ADMISSIONS INTO the Nigerian Military School (NMS) takes place once every year. The process starts with filling the admission application form online, followed by a one day pre-admission entrance examination which is conducted at designated centres nation-wide. After the entrance examination, successful candidates are shortlisted and invited to appear for a Selection Interview at NMS Headquarters located within Chindit Cantonment, Sabon-Gari, Zaria.

Final successful candidates are then offered admission from those who do well both in the entrance examinations and Selection Interviews. This page provides some important useful tips to candidates so as to help boost their chances of getting admitted into the Nigerian Military School, Zaria.


  • Start Early: Make sure you start filling the form early, as soon as the sale of application form is opened on the NMS Portal. Do not wait until the last day to start, because you may not be able to finish filling the form and submitting it before 11:59pm of the last day. NMS does not extend its sale of application form; so when you miss it, you miss it!
  • Provide Valid GSM Number and E-Mail Address: When filling the application form, be sure to sit with the person helping you to fill the form and make sure that all data entered for you are correct in every respect! The portal automatically sends important notices to candidates through sms and e-mail messages all through the application and screening processes. If you are using someone else’s email and/or GSM number as your contact details, make sure that the person will receive messages and communicate them to you promptly. NMS does not give second chance to candidates who miss invitations because of communication failure on the part of the candidates.
  • Upload a Proper Passport Photo: The passport photo you upload for your application form must meet all the criteria for acceptance spelt out on the photo upload page of the portal. Candidates who fail to observe all the stipulated qualities of a good acceptable passport photo will have their application rejected without warning.

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  • Beware of Online Scam: Many ill-intentioned people may go on social media or use some other form of online platforms to defraud unsuspecting candidates or their parents/guardians. Please avoid anyone who comes to you or contacts you and claims to be “Captain This” or “Major That”. Stay away from anyone who comes online and claims to be “NMS Admission Officer” or whatever else they may claim. Also, do not reveal your bank-issued debit card PIN/PASSWORD details to unknown strangers when paying for the form online. For the avoidance of doubt, all correspondences should be sent to our official NMS email at Our official contact phone numbers are 090 5552 2283 and 090 5552 2284.
  • Remember to Cross-Check Your Form: When you first apply and fill the form, it remains in an “open/pending mode”, which means it does not qualify for consideration until you explicitly click the declaration and submit the form. The form will remain in this “open/pending mode” until after:
    1. Your payment for the form is confirmed.
    2. You upload a correct passport photo.
    3. You tick the declaration box and all required data fields are correctly filled.


  • Revise Your Math, English Language and Other Subjects: During the NMS pre-admission entrance examination exercise, Candidates will be tested on Mathematics, English Language, Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and General Knowledge. Candidates are advised to prepare well in these subject areas to enable them score high and thereby boost their chances of being invited for the Selection Interview. A compendium of past questions can be obtained from all the Nigerian Army Divisions and Brigade Education at the rate of One Thousand Naira (₦1,000.00) only per copy.
  • Know Your Centre in Advance: Candidates are advised to try and find out the main road(s) as well as alternative roads to their chosen examination centres at least 48 hours to the day of the exams. This is to avoid transportation delays that may cause them to arrive late or miss the exams on the scheduled day. By trying to find out the roads and location early in advance, candidates will be able to familiarize themselves and identify any potential transportation hitches that may dim their chances of getting admitted into NMS.
  • Get Your Writing Materials Ready: All candidates should bring their pens and mathematical sets (containing pencils, sharpeners, erasers, etc) to the entrance examination centre. No notebooks or textbooks whatsoever are allowed. Candidates are, however, advised to print clear, sharp copies of their Application Form, Exam Photocard and Payment Advice Slip from the NMS Portal and present them at the Exam Centre when requested.

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  • Get Good Sleep, Eat Some Breakfast: All candidates are expected to arrive at their chosen examination centres not later than 7:00am. The excitement notwithstanding, candidates should endeavour to have a good night rest before the day of the exam and also have some light breakfast to keep them fully awake and mentally alert during the examination.


  • Improve Your Health and Physical Fitness: All candidates invited for the Selection Interview will be made to undergo compressive physical and medical examinations. As such, it is a good idea for candidates to improve their health and general fitness levels well before the invitation. Candidates are advised to eat healthy meals and observe good hygiene every time so as to avoid illnesses that could make them unfit for the selection process. Doing some simple, age-appropriate exercises at least 3 times a week will also help. Candidates do not need to engage in Olympics-grade physical training activities, however!
  • Get Your Documents In Order: Soon after starting to fill the application form online, it is important that candidates start preparing all their papers and certificates as may be required for the Selection Interview. Failure to come to the screening venue or centre with all the required documents leads to immediate disqualification. The originals of the following documents must be presented by each and every candidate invited for the Selection Interview:
  1. Primary School Leaving Certificate.
  2. Birth Certificate.
  3. Completed Local Government Certificate of Origin.
  4. Application Form printed from the NMS Portal.
  5. Exam Photocard printed from the NMS Portal.
  6. Payment Advice Slip printed from the NMS Portal.
  • Improve Your Confidence: The Selection will consist of various personnel, including officers in and out of uniform. Candidates should endeavour to build their confidence so that they will be able to comport themselves well while appearing before a panel of interviewers without any form of shyness or stage fright.

Make sure you are well-dressed in simple but smart clothing on the interview day. Also be sure to lift your head up and be audible while answering questions.

  • Stay Informed: Not getting correct information, or getting correct information late, can negatively affect your chances of getting admitted into the Nigerian Military School. Candidates are strongly advised to frequently check the NMS Portal for regular updates at

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You can get more information about NMS by also checking our Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) page.



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